Some jurisdictions require a general business license when operating a business or soliciting donations for a nonprofit organization. Our General Business License module helps you track these licenses.
This article will show you how to review upcoming and completed filings for a general business license.
How to review filings for a general business license
1. Sign In on the Labyrinth website.
2. Click on the General Business Licenses module.
3. Click Details for the license you want to review filings for.
4. Click on the Events tab.
5. On the Events tab, you can review upcoming and completed filings. For each event, you can see the name and type of the filing, the due date, the filing fee, the filing frequency, and who manages the event. You can also review filing information (powered by our Information Center) about each filing.
If you would like us to manage your general business licenses, Contact Us about our Managed Annual License Service.